Soon as you came in, all the beast went away.
They noticed that you're warm wait till you leave then come back for more...
The ropes hang to keep us all awake
And I should have known
As soon as you came in, the agony it went away
I noticed what you wore, to everything we spoke and more...
The ropes hang to keep us all awake
And I should have known
It only takes one break of your pose to get off
To save our place...home with you...still the same song....
As soon as you came in, is when I believe we both crashed course
The ropes hang to keep us all awake
And I should have known.
It only takes one break of a pose to get off
And to save our place home with you all
That's all it takes?
Well I should have known
It's still the same song...
It's still the same song...
(Deftones - Deathblow)
tu nem sabes o quanto eu senti este post...
direitinho ao lado mais ferido do coração, ms msm assim, àquele q ainda ousa querer uma 'salvação' qq...
(por falar nisso, se ñ ainda viste um filme chamado 'The Jacket - Colete de Forças', vai ver, acho q vais gostar...)
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